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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  February 13, 2011 6:30am-7:00am EST

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staples. that was easy.
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♪ >> welcome back to "fox & friends," if you weren't aware valentine's day with the red and pink and the flowers and i love all of these, people, but it's not valentine's day
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weekend. one day and even that is a bit much for some of us. ladies no valentine's weekend. >> clayton: i celebrate all week, all month. >> alisyn: a real romantic here, and let's take a look at a survey, there is he' a lot of romance happening, particularly at work. have you guys dated co-workers? >> absolutely. >> alisyn: you're grabbing that and running with it. >> clayton: a couple of the biggest mistakes of my life. >> alisyn: i hope they're not watching. >> if you date a co-worker, and career billed say about 37% of us have dated a co-worker. have fun. >> clayton: see them all day and dating a co-worker and take the work home with you and deal with it constantly, a bad idea, isn't it. >> dave: i think it's a terrible idea. >> alisyn: i think it's really fun u why. >> alisyn: get to have a secret at work, and secret
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between you two. >> clayton: it's never a secret. that's the problem. >> alisyn: it does. >> clayton: the amazing part of the study, which is there are a lot of people in the study who admit that they keep trying to keep it secret, even though everyone in the office knows they're together. that's the stupidest part of it and everyone knows-- >> the secret is on the couple. they think that-- everybody else in the office is talking about them. >> dave: the office is exactly how it works. but, anyway, i think it's a bad idea. >> clayton: so we just-- i tweeted a short time ago when you're going on a first date, it's valentine's and a lot of people may be going on a first date the first time they're home. are there questions maybe you should ask the first time you're he going out and a lot of responses and alisyn is excited about the question. >> alisyn: there's a website, okay cupid and look through thousands and thousands of questionnaires, what you have to fill out when you go on a dating website. the people who got match and successful couple through cupid. there are some common, commonalties and here are the
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three questions if you're in sync on this, you will become a couple and have a relationship. here they are. >> clayton: fire away. >> dave: drum roll. >> alisyn: only questions on a first date. do you like horror movies. >> clayton: a goed question. >> totality incon kwengs. if you like horror movies and i'm a fan and if you're with someone, i can't, i can't watch it. then what are you going to watch together. >> alisyn: exactly. next, here is the next question you should ask on a first date. to see if you're going to be compatible. have you ever traveled around another country alone. this is very important. because it tells you if you're with somebody who is a risk taker or loner or someone who likes adventure. if you don't like any of those things. >> dave: i like that one. number three, wouldn't it be fun to chuck it all and go live on a sail boat and this is suggesting you're not all about material possessions and accumulating wealth and you are just all about happiness, is that what i'm getting at.
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>> clayton: geraldo tendency and live on boat for a year. >> alisyn: obvious marriage has worked forham times over, and-- >> love you geraldo, anyone could live on thinks boat. >> alisyn: that gauges your sense of adventure and responsibles, you want to know if you're with somebody who might throw away the job and live on a sail boat. >> clayton:en on twitter, a question for you clayton, and do you have a job, are you married, can i see your last five years of income tax returns. >> dave: what about, do you have a criminal record? let us know what you think about the questions and those three, i'm not implying anything. >> alisyn: i think that peop people-- and here are the headlines and let's get right to your news. police are at this hour looking for dangerous gunman, armed men jumped out of van and threw a grade into a
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nightclub in gaud harrah, mexico. increasing violence between the drug cartels in the area. police in california believe they have the body of a man who allegedly kidnapped his ex-girlfriend's son and found it floating in the same canal. they located julie ana. he allegedly drove hf into the canal. 50 canals for 50 lost souls, the families of those who died in couldn't nnl flight 3407 held a candlelight vigil in their honor last night and marked the second anniversary of the crash outside buffalo, new york. all 49 on board and one person on the ground were killed in the crash and transportation officials found both pilots were sleep deprived at the time of the accident. now, superman, you heard, gets stuck in another sticky situation, if you can believe
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it. this time with new york labor department. according to a new york times report the show had two safety violations, is that all. one of the reasons why, remember the 20 foot fall back in december left an actor with a broken shoulder blade, ribs and hairline skull fracture. the safety officials will perform inspections from now on and it's scheduled to open march 15th. and reality imitating this scene from episode of seinfeld. guys, now this well, tell us about it. >> clayton: remember when cramer and newman tried to get the bottle, cans and drive state to state to get rid of them. remember this? (laughter) >> don't throw that awe way. >> i'm not paying the 5 cents for that stupid recycling thing. >> you don't pay 5 cents you get 5 cents back. vermont, connecticut, massachusetts, new york, refund 5 cents. brilliant because now in maine three people have now been accused of a similar scene and aled passed off $100--
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100,000 out of state purchases as if they were maine from distributors. newman-- >> that's brilliant. >> dave: i don't see that as a scheme. using your head. >> is that wrong, isn't that a way to make a little money and recycle, doing good for the-- >> in the state where you buy it. >> in the environment. >> okay, i don't get it. remember last wook you were so cold across areas of the south and 65 in oklahoma city and you'll take it after being below zero on thursday morning and a big warm-up and see the sunshine here across areas of the south as well and clear skies at least. and the cloud cover is across the parts of the north and a clipper system across the parts of the great lakes and northern parts of the plains and that's the next system that's going to develop as well and be prepared, very windy conditions across the northern plains in the northern rockies today. maybe some winds around 50 miles per hour is going to
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cause some problems. here you go, across the west, little bit of rain and snow, there are a series of snow at that are lined up here and as the week goes on slowly move to the south. everybody across the west, washington and california, pretty significant, maybe eight to nine inches of rain. to the east there will be a little bit of snow tuesday, clippers move on through and it will be be be across the far northern areas, coastal areas i think are going to be looking fine. clayton over, do you >> thanks so much, rick. if you heard pig noises, that's not dave briggs. >> dave: that's cheap, man. >> clayton: and tweeted the same thing. >> dave: cruel. >> clayton: some pets can perform the unusual trick, but this one, a pig. meet smithfield and owner fran martin here with eric udler a super pet expo show producer and thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much, going to
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perform some tricks. sit down. sit, good. >> clayton: so obeys tricks like a dog. >> absolutely. >> and orangutans are equally intelligent. they have have the intelligence of a six-year-old child. >> clayton: sit boo-boo, sit. i got smithfield to sit. >> okay. come here, come horror, darling. come here. >> clayton: he can do it, he can shake hands as well and-- >> and bow, bow, there. >> clayton: he'll come over here and play the piano. >> clayton: how old is smith field. >> 13 1/2 years old. >> clayton: i thought he he looked like a teenager, i wasn't sure though. so he can play the piano, you've got the piano set up now. what sort of training did it get to have him play the piano. >> to play the piano, five minutes.
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most tricks are easy. and took the longest and waited for him who mature mentally. ring it. >> clayton: same thing with our own dave briggs. >> ring the bell. >> clayton: too bad he's not in this segment. there we go. >> there you go, good. >> clayton: it's like my six month old and i hand him something and he drops it and we amra you had. >> come on, both hands. >> clayton: all kinds of animals at the expo, what kinds of things do you expect. >> all kinds of animals, and dogs, the frizz pee dogs and reptiles and-- >> we've been teasing this all morning and i want to see picasso go to the canvass and start to paint. that's right, buddy.
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>> smithfield, over here, let's paint. >> clayton: a lot of misconceptions about pigs, a lot of people thought they're dirty, but i've heard they're one of the cleanest animals. >> they're clean and use the litter box training and outside during the day and we are he' not home and comes in the house and he wants to stay clean. the only reason they vary, the only reason they go in mud is to cool off. get the brush. >> clayton: take it. >> you can see that smith field has a holen his mouth there because he's a cancer survival, we'll get more. >> what is he painting. >> clayton: he's picasso. >> alisyn: it's an abstract. >> he always leaves an impression. >> clayton: and tell the audience, my producers says, we'll come back later. >> clayton: here we go, thanks to the super pet expo, thank you soch. >> clayton: smith field you're
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getting paint all over his face. >> it's a master piece in the making when you see that. >> i eagerly await the finished product. coming up on the show, protests planned for iran tomorrow. could it be the next egypt? an iranian expert, why everyone should be watching this closely. >> alisyn: trouble at the playboy mansion. a mysterious illness hits party goers, now the department of health is involved. s so juicy. this is delicious. sunsweet ones. over 400 million enjoyed, and counting. ftd has created beautiful hand-crafd arrangements. this valentine's day show her how youeally feel with unforgettable flowers from ftd. flowers say it better. ftd says it best. visit
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>> 46 minutes past the hour and time for quick headlines and dozens of people are recovering from flu-like system tomorrows after partying at the famous playboy mansion in l.a. flu-like symptoms, also known as a hangover. the cause, fevers, vult headaches and breathing problems. okay, forget the rumors you might have heard online and lindsay lohan won't be getting a new job as a judge on the
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x-factors, on the show they say that producers haven't talked to her about joining the show, over to dave. >> dave: thanks, al ali, took 18 days of protests, forcing their president to step down. and iran urged to do the same. a mass protest tomorrow, but the government is taking extreme steps to silence them. will it turn into another situation like egypt? joining us is an expert on iran and good morning to you, lisa. >> good morning. >> i want to talk about what could happen tomorrow, but i am stunned by of number of executions already happening in iran ahead of these protests. tell us how many have happened in the new year and why are these people being executed? >> you know, the town stands in the way of the people.
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the government uses scare tactics all around and round up dissidents and journalists and execute and since the post election demonstrations of 2009, there have been more executions than ever. they say every nine hour somebody is executed in iran and this is to set an example to tell the people not to go out there, not to make the demonstrations and they know what to expect on monday so my sources have told me that already, it's obvious that there's beefed up security all over tehran and they really are cracking down ahead of time this time. >> these executions are approaching genocide. tell us aside from that, with a do you expects to happen tomorrow in iran? i'm told at least 30,000 joined the facebook movement to say they will protest. what do you expect? >> yeah, absolutely. we've heard a lot of my sources told me that they expect the crackdowns, but they're going out despite the facts and the sentiment in iran right now is the egyptians do it, we can do it,
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too. and there's a lot of resentments towards the united states not supporting the movement in 2009 and recent the government for trying to hijack or misguide the egyptian revolution to make it an islamic one. now, the people, they did not go out on friday be, which marked the anniversary of the islamic republic and making it a point to go out on monday to say that they're not only solidarity with the people of egypt, we hope to copy what they did and again, if they did it, we can do it, too. >> dave: they're painting tahrir square all over. how bug a role will the u.s. position in their support of the protesters in iran play in any attempted revolution? >> i think it's going to be huge right now. i think the iranian people are really looking to the united states right now and they know that if they are to do something and are to make demonstrations once again, that this is the time. that if the united states puts full support behind the egyptian people that they owe it now to the iranian people as well and they really are
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hoping to make a-- start by doing that on monday morning. >> dave: i think that robert gibbs and vice-president biden showed us a possible approach the u.s. will support, the protesters. lisa, thanks for your insights. coming up, a new report says errors among air traffic contollers have doubled in the last few years, a man who was an air traffic controller for 25 years, what he says needs to change to keep our skies safe. and charlie sheen takes a break from rehab to preach the dangers of drugs at a college baseball practice. the benefits of chocolate milk, he explains. you won't believe this. [ engine revs ] [ male announcer ] the uconnect touch system on the 2011 dodge journey controls the radio, media player, heated seats, climate control, navigation, phone, anmore. this means that if you call shotgun on a dodge journey, you've just inherited a lot of responsibility.
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[ engi revs ] [ flag blowing in wind ]
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>> all right. a new report may scare you
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away from flying. the f.a.a. reports the number of errors by air traffic contollers have doubled in the last year. >> clayton: that's shocking. more than 1800 operational failures from september of '09 to september 2010, just two years ago, there were roughly after that. bob richards was an air traffic controller for 25 years and he's the author of the book "secrets from the tower" and joins us this morning from significant. what is going on here? >> well, first of all, it's a few factors that contribute to these. i don't think that in one year, all of a sudden, it's doubled. you've got to kind of look at some of the factors, one of them was a program two years ago, asset by randy babbit and the f.a.a. similar to the ones used by the pilots in the nasa program. they had a situation they thought it was a near miss and something situation, and they could report it without any, you know, immunity from any type of punishment. they basically applied that program now to contollers. and so what's happened in the last two years is, af he got everybody, whether it's a near
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miss or not or even close, they want to, they don't want to take that chance and they'll file out the report and say, you know, we think this might have happened and we'll need to investigate it so they do. so this leads to an exorbitant amount of paper work and there's some validity in some of it and most the time, people don't want to get caught up with it. >> it sounds like what you're saying, that instead of reporting and that should be comforting to the flying republic and some of the stuff you've told us what goes on and say that the contollers are younger and less experienced tan they were in the past and why is that happening? >> well, that's pretty easy to say. back in 1982, we put down 10,000 new contollers if you recall after the strike and come 2007, after three years ago, when they're all retiring and they've been retiring in droves over the last two years and the unfortunately part about this is. we should have been replacing these people back in 2004 and 5, so that we wouldn't have be
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doing this all of a sudden while people are retiring and you asked me, why is that? it's simple. i mean, who is going to train these people if they're retired? train inexperienced people with people with no training? the people in the new administration are trying to recognize this and find where to keep people on to do that type of training. but in reality, when you overturn the work force, you're still going to have the work force going from 20 years plus experience to less than ten years experience in the next ten years, that's reality. >> alisyn: that's scary. >> clayton: before would he let you go. we're out of time unfortunately and your book is made into a television series and one of the stories from the book that will be in the television series, is that sports teams towelly being withheld from flights so that other people could in fact do better on this. and check out the book, we appreciate it. >> alisyn: thanks so much, bob. coming up, newly revealed information that may show a big rift between the white
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house and its own state department and that's why they handled the crisis in egypt in such a schizophrenic way and we'll explain that. >> clayton: entourage made him a big star. dave hangs out with actor jeremy piven in the next hour. [ male announcer ] things seem 30% better when you save 30% on spring vacations at travelocity. umbrellas! little umbrellas! spf i'm in heaven! i'm gonna be red as a lobster. [ male announcer ] save 30% on spring vacations at travelocity.
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